Free Night
Free Night

I'll find that green fairy one day...Finally we got a free night. And you can't imagine how good that sounds after having been on kids for over ten days. Los Belones took on a whole different aspect to us as we strolled around it at 12 in the night after having beer and Absnthe. I'm still on the qu…

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Dream Come True...Well, Sorta
Dream Come True...Well, Sorta

I sang at the karaoke bar the other night. It's something I've been wanting to do for years. One of those love-it-but-hate-it things. Of course, when you're stuck in a town so tiny you can see the end of it on both sides, you welcome any distraction. Adam works in a bar right next door doing karaoke…

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Banana Leaf Wood
Banana Leaf Wood

It came to me during lunch. The brilliant idea that will make me rich.It all started when my daddy decides to make me try and figure out from what wood our little fish-shaped hot pad is made. Of course, being me, I said "Banana wood!" And of course it turns out to be bamboo wood.But no matter.What r…

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It Starts...
It Starts...

So yeah...I did it. I'm part of the freaky bloggers society. It was my golden birthday gift to me, from me. Oh I'm so happy...(Llama Face...)Of course, my birthday was on the 17th, but that doesn't matter. If you'd been drafted to Los Belones too, you would have been to traumatized to create a blog …

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