The Kodak Girl -1902

"Not only does the Kodak go inside the pocket, but inside the Kodak goes the film - all becomes one compact, self-contained mechanism."And just look at this saucy gal holding the latest technology! …
35+ Eye-catching Attractive Bedroom Designs

Master bedrooms are the primary bedrooms at any home, they just about hold many bedroom furniture like; beds, dressing vanities, drawer tables, lighting, cushions, wardrobes, sofas, and couches. Modernism furnishings design is now the primary existing design for the reason that of its convenience st…
The Best Beauty Tips Ever!

Whether people like to confess it or not we are normally slant to beauty. We are able of appreciating a wonderful face as well as; or even additional than a work of art. Keeping this though in mind, it is no wonder that in today's community we expend so much money on cosmetics such as the most recen…
The All-White Gown from 1902 Ladies' Home Journal

These charming summer frocks are from The Ladies' Home Journal, June, 1902. The design and illustration is by Katherine Vaughan Holden. While I can find several references to her work with The Ladies Home Journal, I haven't found out much about her life. Please share if you know more. In any case w…
Why Do Men Get Bored in Relationships?

Do men get tired in relationships? Of cause they do. Everyone, in any case once in their lifestyles, comes to a derive in their lives wherever they appear to need a little more than a partner, spouse. Relationships reduce the pleasure and charm it had in the starting, and nothing appears to perform …
Black-White Party Shoes For Women Trends

Every woman knows that the exact pair party shoes can make or break an clothing. This is particularly true for parties. Women must dress to make an impression as there are bound to be countless old friends and associates present. And okay, we want other women to covet our style. There are a number …